Sì.Bike - E-bike sharing & PV Shelter

Sì.Bike is a public bike-sharing system operated with electrically-assisted bikes.

When standing by the parking shelters, the batteries of the bikes are re-charged through the PV modules located on the top of the shelter.

Vernacchia Design was appointed by the Italian Government in the frame of the Ministry National Program ‘Fonti Rinnovabili per l’Ambiente e per la Tutela del Territorio e del Mare’ for the application of Sì.Byke in Italy. The first installation took place in sunny Sicily at Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto.

No more unpleasant PV solid-panels, but innovative transparent ‘Glass-Modules’ were introduced in the tilting shelter; Glass-Modules include the PV Cells in a transparent glass-sandwich. The shelter orientation is adjustable depending on the direction of the sunbeams for maximum efficiency in capturing the photovoltaic energy. Sì.Byke is conceived as a technological urban feature, both eco-compatible with the environment and aesthetically appealing to the user.


Year: 2011

Environment Ministry of Italy

Design and art work
Engineering assistance